For thousands of years massage has been used for its therapeutic and healing effect on the body. From the relief of muscular and skeletal pain to the treatment of a wide range of conditions and ailments, massage has proven itself an effective tool or medicinal healing and general body maintenance. Advances in science and medicine have brought with them a better understanding of how and why massage works. We now know that massage can play an important role in the healing process by improving blood circulation, thereby bringing vital oxygen and nutrient rich blood to the affected area. With better understanding of the biomechanics of the body, this has allowed for the refinement of existing techniques and suggested new approach to massage. Once again massage has entered the medical mainstream and is seen by many as an important adjunct to qualified medical treatment.
When most people think of massage they think of relaxation massage where the primary aims are to relieve stress and soothe muscular aches and pains. Remedial massage, however, focuses on the root cause of persistent chronic muscular or skeletal pain and then seeks to alleviate it permanently. Often such pain is the result of in jury or is caused by specific trauma or imbalances in the joints, muscles and ligaments.
A remedial massage therapist has been highly trained to assess these imbalances and establish an effective programmed of therapeutic treatment. The remedial massage treatment process involves the application of scientifically based treatments often in conjunction with a rehabilitation programmed. If a condition or injury warrants, your therapist will advise that further investigation and medical opinion be sought before treatment proceeds.
Massage is not a replacement for medical attention, rather, a valuable adjunct to the medical treatment process that can be combined to offer patients an integral approach to their health care problems. I am fully trained in the possess thereby guarantee the highest level of professional competency.
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